Patch Notes 9/10

Thank you all for playing my game, I have listened to your feedback and wanted to deliver a better gameplay experience for you all. 

- The score you receive from surviving has been reworked so that instead of just gaining points passively as time goes on, once players hit a certain time milestone, which is 30 seconds they will receive points. This creates more challenge for the player so that they couldn't just get a high score by just sitting in a spot in small form. 

- Big Shield mode has been giga-buffed! When turning big in the original version there was no reason to turn big other than to gain extra points thus making the risk not worth the reward. In the latest version if the player blocks 5 hits the player can regain missing health which allows players to go for more risky blocks to gain health back. Lastly when being in Big Shield Mode the speed has been tweaked a lot to which you move even faster than before. These changes were made so that the player has more options instead of just staying small and always picking the safer option. 

- Bullet spawn frequency has been tweaked were it is slightly more noticeable when it happens due to the level changing color whenever the frequency increases. This gives the player more visual indicators to know when the game gets even harder.

- Visual updates have been added in the game such as post processing effects are being used to give the game glow effects to be more visually appealing. Also the player and projectiles have been given trails as they move to make the game visuals stand out even more. 

- Added screen wrapping to the game to give the game more depth. This allows the player to better get around the map to gather more coins and better dodge projectiles. 

Hope you all enjoy this new update!

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95 days ago

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